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9・11アメリカ同時多発テロ報告書 The 9・11 Commission Report [Selections]
- 判型
- B5判/並製
- ページ数
- 128ページ
- 課数
- 全20課
- 定価
- 2,090円(本体1,900円+税)
- 978-4-384-33388-6 C1082
- 発行日
- 2009/02/20
- 2001年9月11日,アメリカを襲った同時多発テロを精査した,アメリカ議会独立調査員会の報告書”The 9/11 Commission Report”を素材とた総合教材。
- 「9.11」を知らない世代となったいまの大学生にとっては,刺激の富んだ興味深い素材です。
- TOEIC形式を含めた総合的な英語演習で構成。
- 各課の構成:Behind the Scenes → Vocabulary Building → Short Paragraph Reading [TOEIC Reading Practice] → Read the Report → True or False → Listening [TOEIC Listening Practice] → Discussion
- 付録頁:Glossary,映画コラム
- 半期用として,全13課にまとめた「ダイジェスト版9・11アメリカ同時多発テロ報告書」(No. 33387) もご用意しております。
・ Short Paragraph Reading
・ Read the Report
・ Listening
Part 1: Inside the Planes
Lesson 1: Tuesday, September 11, 2001, dawned temperate
Lesson 2: The Hijacking of American 11
Lesson 3: The Hijacking of United 175
Lesson 4: The Hijacking of American 77
Lesson 5: The Battle of United 93 ①
Lesson 6: The Battle of United 93 ②
Part 2: Outside the Planes
Lesson 7: American 11: Military Response
Lesson 8: United 175 ①: FAA Awareness
Lesson 9: United 175 ②: FAA Awareness ~ Military Response
Lesson 10: American 77: FAA Awareness
Lesson 11: American Airlines: Military Notification and Response
Lesson 12: United 93 ①: FAA Awareness
Lesson 13: United 93 ②: FAA Awareness ~ Military Response
Part 3: In the Time of Collapse of the Buildings
Lesson 14: [8:46-9:03] A Flight Crashed Into WTC1
Lesson 15: [9:03-9:59] Then the Second Plane Hit ①
Lesson 16: [9:03-9:59] Then the Second Plane Hit ②
Lesson 17: [9:03-9:59] Then the Second Plane Hit ③
Lesson 18: [9:59-10:28] The South Tower Collapsed in Ten Seconds ①
Lesson 19: [9:59-10:28] The South Tower Collapsed in Ten Seconds ②
Lesson 20: [9:59-10:28] The South Tower Collapsed in Ten Seconds ③
Lesson 21: [9:59-10:28] The South Tower Collapsed in Ten Seconds ④: NYPD ①
Lesson 22: NYPD ② and After 10:28 am