- 読む
- ◯ 600 words
難易度 5 6 7 8
ニュース英語で世界を読み解く Read the World through News in English
- 判型
- B5判/並製
- ページ数
- 108ページ
- 課数
- 全14課
- 定価
- 2,310円(本体2,100円+税)
- 978-4-384-33526-2 C1082
- 発行日
- 2023/02/20
- TIME やThe Economist などオーセンティックなニュース素材から14 本を厳選。
- 社会,経済,科学,宗教,法律,歴史,文化など多岐にわたる話題に触れ,関連した語彙力を高め,必要な情報を読み取る様々な設問で読解力を身につけることができます。
- 英文和訳,和文英訳で作文力も強化。
- TM には試訳,解答,Unit ごとのチェックテストを収録。
Unit 1 What is intermittent fasting?
Unit 2 Why are some types of Japanese rice written in completely different ways?
Unit 3 Nigeria town celebrates claim as “twin capital” of world
Unit 4 Artist adorns Egyptian cave church with biblical art
Unit 5 Floating fortress Musashi, symbol of Japan’s naval ambitions, now a war grave
Unit 6 Restitution, but at what price?
Unit 7 The New Testament’s unsolved mysteries
Unit 8 HIV Sufferers have a responsibility
Unit 9 Campaigning parties must present specific measures to boost power supply
Unit 10 Spanish falcons feed Arab passion for raptor hunting
Unit 11 French restaurants are open but short-staffed
Unit 12 COVID air war being lost, experts warn, urging mass ventilation
Unit 13 Hydrogen goop could be a more convenient fuel than hydrogen gas
Unit 14 The science behind the first successful pig-to-human heart transplant