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難易度 4 5 6 7
〈電子教科書対応可〉 【2025年度新刊】ベーシック・コミュニケーション ブック2 Basic Communication Strategies II
- 判型
- B5判/並製
- ページ数
- 80ページ
- 課数
- 全6課+Review 1,2
- 定価
- 2,200円(本体2,000円+税)
- 978-4-384-33536-1 C1082
- 発行日
- 2024/08/20
- 英語によるキャッチボールがスムーズにできるようになることを目指したテキスト。
- ブック1と同じ構成で,各ユニットはPart AとPart Bに分かれ,Part Aではモデルとなる会話や表現を学び,Part Bではそれを実際に用いて会話の練習をします。
- ブック2ではブック1よりも一歩踏み込んだ会話・発音上のストラテジーを学びます。
Unit 1 Are you still in touch with your friends from junior high?
Part A
Useful Expressions / Model Conversation / Present perfect / Speaking 1: Find someone who…
Part B
Quiz / Contractions of the auxiliary have / Rejoinders / Speaking 2: Old school friends
Unit 2 What do you do to stay healthy?
Part A
Useful Expressions / Model Conversation / Countable/uncountable noun qualifiers / Speaking 1: Health survey
Part B
Quiz / The schwa sound in questions / Rejoinders and follow-up questions / Speaking 2: About health
Unit 3 What is your ideal job for the future?
Part A
Useful Expressions / Model Conversation / Prepositions, Adjectives / Speaking 1: Resume questionnaire
Part B
Quiz / Stressed syllables / Asking for explanation or clarification / Speaking 2: Interview for a job
Review 1 Interview Test / Exercises
Unit 4 What was the greatest day of your life?
Part A
Useful Expressions / Model Conversation / Relative clauses / Speaking 1: Missing information
Part B
Quiz / Intonation and rhythm / Asking for detail / Speaking 2: Greatest day of your life
Unit 5 Where is somewhere you would like to visit?
Part A
Useful Expressions / Model Conversation / Verb of perception / Speaking 1: Board game
Part B
Quiz / Assimilation of you with auxiliary verbs / Suggestions with support / Speaking 2: Planning a trip
Unit 6 What is something you feel strongly about?
Part A
Useful Expressions / Model Conversation / Adverbs for emphasis / Speaking 1: Exchange of opinions
Part B
Quiz / Function words at the end / Getting people to respond / Speaking 2: Discussion
Review 2 Interview Test / Exercises
Glossary—Useful Expressions / Words & Phrases