- 読む
- ◯ 300-350 words
- 書く
- ◯
- 聴く
- ◯
- 話す
- ◯
難易度 2 3 4 5
CLIL 英語と地図で学ぶ世界事情 CLIL Seeing the World through Maps
- 判型
- B5判/並製
- ページ数
- 92ページ
- 課数
- 全12課
- 定価
- 1,980円(本体1,800円+税)
- 978-4-384-33447-0 C1082
- 発行日
- 2015/02/20
・Listen carefully
・Read up
Area1 Europe
Sweets and the House of Habsburg
The European Union
CLIL Strategy 1 Be comfortable with your classmate!
CLIL Strategy 2 Share ideas in class!
Area2 Africa
The Masai Mara National Reserve
Souvenir Shopping in Africa
CLIL Strategy 3 Expand your interest!
CLIL Strategy 4 Use your knowledge and experience!
Area3 The Middle East
Holy Places
Strategic Seaway
CLIL Strategy 5 Enjoy thinking!
CLIL Strategy 6 Come and see yourself!
Area4 South Asia
Mumbai and Jaipur
CLIL Strategy 7 Be critical!
CLIL Strategy 8 Set your own immediate goal!
Area5 Russia and its Neighboring Countries
St. Petersburg and Peter the Great
Ukraine: Caught between Russia and Europe
CLIL Strategy 9 Be flexible!
CLIL Strategy 10 Use English!
Area6 East Asia
Super Sky Railway to Inner Highland
The Two Different Faces of Korea
CLIL Strategy 11 Integrate your leaning!
CLIL Strategy 12 Take a step forward!
Area7 Southeast Asia
A Country of Cultural Diversity
Religious Diversity
CLIL Strategy 13 Trust yourself!
CLIL Strategy 14 Reflect on your learning!
Area8 North America
Country of Immigrants
The American Dream
CLIL Strategy 15 Be steady!
CLIL Strategy 16 Build your own portfolio!
Area9 Central America and the Caribbean
The Panama Canal
Revolution and Socialism
CLIL Strategy 17 Ask for help at work!
CLIL Strategy 18 Respect your own learning style!
Area10 South America
Rio de Janeiro
Japanese Immigrants
CLIL Strategy 19 Make use of learning strategies!
CLIL Strategy 20 Keep your brain healthy!
Area11 the South Pacific and the Antarctic
The Last Unknown Place on the Earth
What is the Antarctic Like?
CLIL Strategy 21 Be just in time!
CLIL Strategy 22 Input, intake and output!
Area12 Australia and New Zealand
A Continent of Modern Cities and Unique Nature
Animals and Plants Unique to Australia and New Zealand
CLIL Strategy 23 Develop intercultural communicative competence (ICC)!
CLIL Strategy 24 Do as you like!